Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Today I was forced to return to school. It was a gray tuesday, the kind that usually get my panties in a bunch. But knowing that I would have to try extra hard to be happy actually kept me pretty content all day. 

I've skipped a few days of entries, so I should let you know what I've been up to. You're surely thinking... "Was Carrie slaving away at her AP Euro. studies?... Writing a masterpiece? Going out in public?" 

Well I certainly haven't been pulling my weight in any subject recently, which is worrisome seeing as I have pt. 1 of my Chemistry test tomorrow, and one of my stories will be workshopped soon, I fear. I have written a song, though. It's called "I Don't See You", and can be found at myspace.com/carrieanneishere or at youtube (my username is RedBlueGreen12345). I like playing that song because there are only three chords involved, lol. 

Anywho. I accidentally dozed off today for about 3 hours. That means I need to finish my homemade tortilla soup only to do actual work until I go to bed. Hopefully I'll get some rest tonight despite the power nap I took. 

Ben called me yesterday for the first time in a while. It was a bland and brief conversation in which we civilly discussed my hatred for him... He called back today during my power nap, and that was pretty much a FAIL conversation because I was just nodding off slowly back to sleep. I wish he'd hurry up and pick up his stuff from my house (sweatshirts, photos, drawings...) so I don't have to nostalgically stare into their being any longer. *sigh* Let it go, Carrie. Let it go.

Wish me luck on my Chem. Lab test tomorrow!! 

With love, 
Carrie Anne

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